Van: Monika Stoces <>
Datum: 3 november 2008 07:47
Onderwerp: Geachte Advocaat Willems, deze mail betreft uw kliente Rita Thomas uit Lint. Het gaat inderdaad niet om een individueel probleem , bijgevoegd de brief van de Advocaat van USA FFCHS groep
Dit is de Amerikaanse Tegenhanger van De Europese Federation Against Mindcontrol, waar Gena Brooks en ik de administratie van bij houden momenteel, en die samen met de China Canada en Australie de persoonlijke getuigenissen bij houden, internationaal, via het MC mailteam (onderaan)
Harvard psychologist Susan Clancy: "One of the most bitter and volatile debates ever to occur in psychology concerns the reality of repressed and recovered memories of traumatic events." Clancy reports Recruiting people who truly believed they'd been abducted by extraterrestrials; Claims of alien abduction have become increasingly common over the past thirty years, she found a way to study memory creation without directly engaging the bitter debate over recovered memories of abuse. And listening to their grotesque and often sexually explicit accounts, she could be reasonably sure that the memories she was studying were not vivid recollections of traumatic abuse.
hier de zogezegd herwonnen herinneringen aan ....satanisch misbruik en ...trauma gebaseerde mind control ....met symptomen ...270 artsen namen hieraan deel, ik zelf geloof niet dat dit uit het verleden stamt maar ben overtuigd ( vele targeted individuals ook ) dat het NU gebeurt , vandaar de ernorme epidemie momenteel ....
en eveneens daarom de AUTOIMMUUNSTORNISSEN (die zijn geen gevolg van kindertraumas ,
EAS reports 2007
Microwave abuse12% 04%
Non-lethal weapons abuse 56% 24%
Electronic harassment 50% 12%
Sleep deprivation 79% 36%
Auto-immune disorders 48%
Sleep problems 93% 75%
Migraine headaches 66% 38%
Fibromyalgia 31% 18%
Posttraumatic stress disorder 93% 70%
Dit is precies hetzelfde soort meldingen op het "mindcontrol forum" , het is evenmin uit kindertijd , het gebeurt nu .....(valt vrij eenvoudig op te maken uit de getuigenissen zelf, de conclusies spreken over herinneringen maar het drama begint het moment dat ze "binnen komen" ......allemaal vrij recent eind jaren 90, en vooral na 2000
Sleep Deprivation: 91.58%
Extreme Fatigue: 76.84%
Blurred Vision: 60%
Sensations of pain in internal organs: 62.11%
Sensations of pain in backbone, arms, legs, muscles: 68.42%
Sudden Headaches: 68.42%
Irregular Heartbeat: 63.16%
Fibromyalgia: 16.84%
Autoimmune Disorders (lupus scleroderma,): 10.53%
Change in growing of hair and nails.: 36.84%
Tooth Pain: 58.95%
Diarrhoea: 56.84%
Sensation of Electric Current Running through the Body: 58.95%
Induced thoughts, telepathic communication, and messages. 71.58%
Dream Manipulation: 75.79%
Artificial Emotions (induced fear, anger, shame, joy, hate, sadness): 70.53%
Sudden unexpected sexual arousal: 64.21%
Genital Manipulation: 62.11%
Manipulation of Memory (forgetting/remembering/): 72.63%
Manipulation of Memory (screen memories, false memories): 43.16%
Surveillance ("Freedom"), an organization with several hundred members
around the country and internationally who have reason to believe they
are targeted with various non-lethal weapons. Freedom is currently
communicating with legislators in order to institute hearings and
investigations of the numerous abuses of citizens.
The purpose of this letter is to inform medical providers of the
factual and legal background behind many complaints of physical and
psychological symptoms that patients relate to non-lethal weapons. It
has come to our attention that medical providers often dismiss these
allegations as unrealistic and false and attribute them to mental
instability. It is difficult to legally prove targeting by
psychotronic weapons when the perpetrators operate from remote, unseen
locations and therefore the targeting can be dismissed as delusional.
Given the wide scope of alleged targeting, there is a certain risk of
sounding too conspiratorial, however, common denominators exist, such
as similar physical and psychological claims, surveillance scenarios,
and harassment techniques.
We strongly urge you to not summarily dismiss a patient's claims of
being targeted with non-lethal, directed energy weapons for the
following reasons:
Evidence supports the conclusion that weapons exist that could be used
against individuals, based on U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
filings, public releases by agencies, and other technologies that
indicate the level of technological sophistication. The weapons are
believed to be based on electromagnetism, microwaves, sonic waves,
lasers and other types of directed energy, and were characterized as
"psychotronic" in Rep. Dennis Kucinich's draft of House Resolution
2977, the Space Preservation Act of 2001.
Furthermore, it is undeniable that government agencies have tested
citizens without permission in the past; for example, the CIA's human
experimentation discussed in Orlikow v. U.S., 682 F.Supp. 77 (D.D.C.
1988), secretly administered lysergic acid diethylamide discussed in
United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669 (1987), and military chemical
experimentation as discussed in Congressional Committee Report 103-97,
103d Congress, 2d Session, S. Prt. 103-97 (Dec. 8, 1994).
Lastly, the sheer numbers of people complaining of being targeted,
including people with post-graduate degrees and a lifetime of
achievements, and the similarities in symptoms, tend to outweigh a
dismissive response based on charges of anecdotal evidence or group
Therefore, we urge you to at least consider the possibility of
symptoms resulting from radiation, electromagnetism, sonic energy,
other unusual types of energy, as well as psychological symptoms
resulting from intentional harassment.
Very truly yours,
Jon Wilson
Attorney at Law
Wilson Law Center LLC
PO Box 1102,
Morrison, CO 80465
Telephone: 720-219-8366
Fax: 303-697-1189
MC Mail Team Members (part of the world wide movement)
AUSTRALIA: John Finch 00 61 (0) 4 2400 9627
CHINA: Soleil Mavis
Main Blog:
BELGIUM: Monika Stoces 00 32 (0)3 288 83 20
Federation Against Mind Control Europe
Friends Network
USA_OHIO: Derrick Robinson 00 1 5 133379632
FCHHS Phone: 1-800-571-5618 Fax: 1-866-433-4170
CANADA: Mostafa Hosny
Rule of Law Defenders
Global Research, July 7, 2008
US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights by Peter Phillips and Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton Sonoma State University Project Censored Media Freedom Foundation
US funded scientists have long searched for better means of controlling human behavior.
This research has included the use of wireless directed electromagnetic energy under the heading of "Information Warfare" and "Non Lethal Weapons." New technological capabilities have been developed in black budget projects1 over the last few decades— including the ability to influence human emotion, disrupt thought, and present excruciating pain through the manipulation of magnetic fields. The US military and intelligence agencies have at their disposal frightful new weapons, weapons that have likely already been covertly used and/or tested on humans, both here and abroad,
Washington Post : "Mind Games" 15 01 2007
Until recently, people who believe the government is beaming voices into their heads would have added social isolation to their catalogue of woes. But now, many have discovered hundreds, possibly thousands, of others just like them all over the world. Web sites dedicated to electronic harassment and gang stalking have popped up in India, China, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Russia and elsewhere. 14 08 2007 PRAVDA
It was already twenty years ago that mass media first mentioned the strange word combination 'psychotronic weapon'. All information about such weapons arrived from military men transferred to the reserve and from researchers that were not officially recognized by the Russian Academy of Sciences. They usually told about some generators that could make people muddleheaded even when they were distanced at hundreds of kilometers.
Such devices were said to be able to control people's behavior, seriously impair psyche and even drive people to death. As soon as information of the kind was published some people immediately claimed themselves as victims of impact of such psychotronic weapons. They stormed editorial offices of newspapers and magazines that reported about the psychotronic weapons and complained that some strange voices dictated orders to them. Journalists in their turn recommended such people visiting psychiatrists.
Some important links about activism and contacts
USA Cheryl Welsh, Citizens against Human Rights Abuses
International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System by Technical Means M.Babacek (Journalist Czechia )
Ohio Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance very active ORGANISATION USA PHONECONFERENCING
The ACLA exists to create public, governmental and institutional awareness of neurological weapons technology and its effect on victims USA Harlan Girard Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Federation Against Mindcontrol Europe
MCvictimsEurope Important Links and contacts " +
International "Mailteam" introduced on
Germany: Forum FORUM GERMANY Activist Berlin Waldemar Lotz
Italy Italy
Uk : United Kingdom , Christian organisation against mindweapons
ORGANISATIONS RUSSIA many victims with pictures and activism
Russia: Moscow committee of ecology of dwelling
In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn argued that science does not progress via a linear accumulation of new knowledge, but undergoes periodic revolutions, also called "paradigm shifts" , in which the nature of scientific inquiry within a particular field is abruptly transformed. In general, science is broken up into three distinct stages. Prescience, which lacks
a central paradigm, comes first. This is followed by "normal science", when scientists attempt to enlarge the central paradigm by "puzzle-solving". Thus, the failure of a result to conform to the paradigm is seen not as refuting the paradigm, but as the mistake of the researcher. As anomalous results build up, science reaches a crisis, at which point a new paradigm, which subsumes the old results along with the anomalous results into one framework, is accepted. This is termed revolutionary science.
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